Would you like to write for Denise G Lee?

Denise G Lee Coaching welcomes new writers!

Who we write for:

Our audience are experienced business owners and leaders who want to improve the quality of their life. 

As such, we prioritize well researched, science-backed articles discussing topics such as addiction, spirituality, trauma healing, mindset and self-improvement.

If you are interested in writing for us, please familiarize yourself with our website and existing blog posts before submitting a pitch..

Please follow all submission guidelines and allow two weeks for a response. Incomplete submissions will not be considered. Thank you for understanding! 

Picture of entrepreneur coach Denise G Lee. She is sitting in a wooden chair smiling.

Basic Information

What we need from our writers

We write content that has value. Readers can tell if you write something just for the views. Other tips:

  • Do not rely on AI or Chat GBT generated content. If it looks like a bot wrote your piece, don’t expect it to be on our website.
  • Your original content. We will not accept plagiarized or republished content. That induces your re-published work. Writers who submit stolen work as their own are not welcome to publish content on this site. We use plagiarism tools to verify if your work is original.
  • No sloppy work. Carefully read your content proper to submission. We will not publish content with multiple typos or grammatical errors.
  • Links to credible and authoritative sources. Some sources can include, but not limited to:
  • We write long-form on this site. Your piece must contain at least 900-1,500 words.
  • Recent headshot – people want to see who they are learning from. Please include photo credit along with your photo.

Here are some tips on guest writing.

Who gets published?

Deniseglee.com reserves the right to decide which articles to publish and/or pay. 

If Deniseglee.com chooses to run your piece, we will contact you with specific details on the next steps to take. Submissions are subject to our Terms and Conditions.

The next section will answer your questions regarding content promotion.

Content promotion FAQS

How do I promote my content?

Share your article on all your social channels or email list. 

I would like my article to be anonymous. Can I still check my views?

Views tracking is not available for anonymous pieces. We will contact you directly with your 30-day views total.

My social shares seem higher than my actual views. Why is that? 

Your views are tracked via Google Analytics.

A view = how many times an actual person read your content. Many times people share on social, but don’t actually read the piece.

We base views only by Google’s content view report.

Can I republish my piece from Deniseglee.com?

We want our content on this site to be original. You will not be able to republish any content originally published on DeniseGlee.com with a third party site, nor shall any piece originally published on DeniseGlee.com be allowed or caused to be republished by a third party.

You may, however, request permission from DeniseGlee.com to republish on your personal website or blog.

By submitting, you are verifying that Deniseglee.com has the right to publish this work.