10 work balance tips

Maintaining Work-Life Balance: 10 Tricks to Stay on Track

Reading Time: 10 minutes

Hey there, as an entrepreneur coach, I get how tough it can be for leaders like yourself to juggle everything, especially when life throws you a curveball. Whether you’re bouncing back from a tough time, feeling under the weather, or just trying to keep up with the crazy pace of the business world, finding a balance between work and life is super important for staying on track and keeping your head above water.

That’s why I’m here to share with you 10 simple tricks that’ll help you keep that work-life balance, even when times get tough. These tips aren’t just about making things easier; they’re about keeping you happy, healthy, and ready to take on whatever comes your way.

This article isn’t just another list of tips; it’s a lifeline for business owners like you, offering practical advice and real-world solutions to help you find your footing and stay on course. So buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the secrets of staying balanced and thriving in both your work and your life.

10 Ways to Maintain Work Life Balance 

woman at desk, with family, with friends and alone walking.

1. Create Boundaries Between Work and Life

In the beginning of my coaching career, I wanted to be flexible for my clients. That’s why I made sure I was available in the evenings and on Saturday mornings. One day, I was interviewing a potential guest for my podcast. During the call, he said, “I noticed on your calendar that you are available on weekends too. A bit of advice for you: My ex-wife had a lot of wisdom. She was very protective of our time together, especially evenings and weekends. She believed those times were for us, not to be shared. I couldn’t keep our marriage, but I still kept her advice.”

What about you? Do you have a clear break between work and personal time? Some of us think we are helping our clients by being available all day, every day. But we are not.

You are not helping your clients if you are constantly tired and exhausted with no downtime.

So, if you don’t have boundaries, create them now. For example, if you decide not to check emails after 7 p.m., you can separate work from family time. This helps you focus on each part of your life when it’s time to do so. It’s like having different rooms in your house for different activities – a kitchen for cooking, a bedroom for sleeping, and a living room for relaxing.

By setting these boundaries, you create structure and order, which can reduce stress and prevent burnout.

woman trying to talk, look at computer and two with two kids on her lap

2. Prioritize Tasks

My client was burning both ends of the candle – HARD! By day she was trying to juggle her 9am-5pm and by 5pm-11pm she was trying to work on her first launch while trying to make sure her kids didn’t burn down the house while her husband traveled for business.

Maude (not her real name) told me, “Denise – I am struggling here.”

My response: “I would be too if I was trying to operate a business, family, and take care of three kids without making any adjustments to my schedule.”

Too many of us think we have to do everything all at once or we will miss out. No, boo-boo. Stop that kind of thinking.

When you are trying to do everything all at once, without resting, for weeks, if not years on end, all you are doing is setting yourself up for cancer or some other serious health condition.

Slow your roll and focus on what matters most. Take time to shuffle things around until you have the mental and/or financial bandwidth to do other things.

Think about your most important tasks and focus on them first. Making a to-do list and putting the most urgent tasks at the top is a good example. For instance, if a project deadline is near, concentrate on that before less urgent tasks.

Getting back to Maude, I told her, “Maybe you don’t need to make a launch when you don’t have childcare arrangements. Those soon-to-be clients won’t be happy if you are too tired or exhausted to pay attention to their needs. Besides, I think your kids would appreciate if their mom was more attentive while their father is gone.”

Mindfulness truly is the key to not just work-life balance but fulfillment in all areas of your life. Practicing mindfulness can make you feel less stressed and more focused. It’s like taking a break from all the noise in your head and just feeling calm and happy.

3. Schedule Regular Breaks

Once, I was reading about circadian rhythms. Did you know that most of us can’t focus more than 1.5 hours at a time? Makes sense that most college lectures never exceed this timeframe. Students can’t retain information if they are bothered by the call of nature or they feel their backside has gone numb.

So what are you doing with respect to break time? Are your eyes going numb staring at the screen for 30, 50… cough 60 minutes?

Taking breaks during the workday is important to stay focused and productive. I have an alert with my smartwatch that reminds me to move on the hour. It’s like giving my brain a break to recharge so I can feel refreshed when I return to work.

How do you insert break time into your day? For example, you might take a short walk or do some stretching to break up long periods of sitting. Remember this: regular breaks don’t just help your body but help your mind as well. When you are focused on something, you lack the freshness in your mind to keep thinking creatively on each of your tasks.

4. Practice Mindfulness

woman seated meditating

I remember at the beginning of my coaching business, my coaches would talk about mindfulness. And to be honest, I thought that was all garbage.

All I wanted to know was tools, strategies, and income-generating activities. How is sitting still helping me make money?

Oh gosh, I feel so silly now.

Mindfulness truly is the key to not just work-life balance but fulfillment in all areas of your life. Practicing mindfulness can make you feel less stressed and more focused. It’s like taking a break from all the noise in your head and just feeling calm and happy.

That sense of calm prevents you from rushing and making stupid impulsive decisions that are fueled by fear and greed. And when you focus on what is important and necessary, you save time and money.

Are you getting it?

You choose how you want to be mindful. It could be sitting still and staring at paint dry on the wall. You can sit and listen to water or ambient music. Maybe you are focusing on taking deep breaths and feeling the air filling up your chest and then leaving it. Whatever you choose, make sure it is focused and intentional.

5. Stay Active and Eat Better

group of people exercising

Having a strong mind and body is an important for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. How in the world can you push through hours at work when your body is barely able leave the bed? Keep your body and mind at top shape. For instance, you might go for a jog in the morning or take a yoga class in the evening.

When you exercise, your brain releases chemicals called endorphins. They act like natural painkillers and make you feel happier. By staying active, you can feel less stressed, be in a better mood, and enjoy life more. It’s like giving yourself a happiness boost every time you put on your sneakers or roll out your yoga mat.

Eat better 
 A couple of months ago, I thought I was gaining weight due to perimenopause. All the while, I was stuffing my face with anything that rolled out of my local bakery. And on top of it, I was working on perfecting my lemon pound cake recipe. 
Rolls around my midsection did more than squeeze me out of my favorite evening dress. It reduced my energy levels and prevented me from really enjoying family outings, as well as making me feel easily exhausted by 8 pm. I wasn’t even 45 and felt I was eligible to enroll in a nursing home. Something had to change.
Eating better looks different for everyone. Some of you need to eat more meat, less meat, or no meat at all. Low carbs, keto diet, pescatarian diet – choose something and stick to it for at least 4-6 weeks to give your brain a chance to remind your body that you are trying to feel better. 
If you need to, I recommend visiting a dietitian or nutritionist for advice that works for you. Just do something.
friends at the beach laughing

6. Connect with Emotionally Healthy People

While we are talking about eating and exercising, let’s talk about the words you are consuming. What kind of ideas are you getting from the people around you? Are they helping or hurting your mindset? More importantly, do you have healthy relationships or are you isolating yourself by just focusing on your business? If you are isolating due to stress, depression, or anxiety, that is not good. 

Building good relationships with friends, family, and coworkers is important for your emotional well-being. It’s like having a safety net that supports you when you’re down and cheers you on when you’re up. For example, you might talk to a friend for advice or share your worries with a family member after a tough day at work.They can help you keep a better healthy perspective on things and help the maintain a healthy work life balance.

When you have strong relationships, you feel connected and supported, which helps you deal with life’s challenges. It’s like having a team of cheerleaders rooting for you as you navigate through the highs and lows of running a business.

By saying no when you need to, you can make time for the things that make you happy and fulfilled. It's like cleaning out your schedule to make room for what matters most to you.

7. Set Realistic Goals

Setting goals helps you stay focused and motivated, but it’s important to set ones that you can actually achieve. It’s like aiming high but keeping your feet on the ground. For instance, instead of saying, “I want to grow my business,” you might say, “I want to increase sales by 10% in the next three months.”

By setting realistic goals, you set yourself up for success and avoid feeling disappointed. It’s like breaking a big project into smaller pieces – it makes the overall goal seem more manageable.

8. Learn to Say No

One of my favorite biblical verses comes from Paul addressing the church of Corinth. He wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:12, “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.”

Too many of you are saying Yes to everything.

  • Yes – to that freebie online.
  • Yes – to working for someone even though you hate that kind of work.
  • And the biggest YES monster – saying yes to staying at a low rate because you are afraid of losing that cash flow.

Master the right to say no. Get used to saying no to the okay things so you can say yes to the great things. Sometimes peace is gained by doing more subtraction than addiction to your life.

Learning to say no can be tough, but it’s necessary for protecting your time and energy. It’s like setting boundaries to keep yourself healthy. For example, if you already have a lot on your plate, saying no to more work or commitments can help you focus on what’s important.

By saying no when you need to, you can make time for the things that make you happy and fulfilled. This process of filtering things and focusing on what matters to you will help you stay focused and aligned with your purpose and true inner authenticity.

9. Unplug and Disconnect

man closing down laptop

In today’s digital world, it’s easy to be constantly connected to work through emails, notifications, and social media. I remember during a parent event at my school, I couldn’t help but notice the assistant principal’s smartwatch buzzing every few minutes. Notifications for emails, LinkedIn, and even reminders to take her medications.

Does anyone really need to be connected like that? I submit to you the answer is: NO.

If you want to be at the top of your game personally and professionally, you need to unplug and disconnect regularly to recharge your batteries. It’s like turning off your phone and/or smart device at night to give yourself a break from the constant barrage of notifications and updates. By unplugging and disconnecting, you give yourself the opportunity to recharge mentally and emotionally, which is essential for maintaining your well-being.

Train people to respect your off time

Maybe you are a doctor or work in emergency services and can’t just turn the device off. I get it. Maybe you might designate certain times of the day when you turn off your phone or avoid checking email to create space for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Some of us have trained people to expect us to respond to messages within the hour because we didn’t make clear our boundaries. If so, make an auto-responder to either your emails or text that lets people know your rate of response. And it can be set to be activated during your off hours. It can say something like, “Thanks for reaching me. If this is after hours, I will respond by X time. If this is an emergency, please contact X at Y.” So if it truly is an emergency, your people know what to do and where to go for help.

10. Seek Professional Support

Even if you’re reading all these tips from me and thinking, “Denise – I am still struggling,” don’t be afraid to get help from a professional. We all need help from time to time to make sure our head is wired tight. Life can get spicy at times, and we need a fresh perspective from someone other than your mom or cousin June or anyone in your life who seems to think they know all the answers despite their apparent dysfunctions. 

Reach out to a therapist or ask a coach like myself for advice and support. By getting professional support, you’re investing in yourself and your future, setting yourself up for success and happiness in the long run. The image below summary these 10 work balance tips. Next, I will share my final thoughts.

10 work balance tips

Final Thoughts

Keeping a good balance between work and life as a business owner is important for your health and success. By doing things like setting boundaries, prioritizing tasks, and being mindful, you can handle the challenges of running a business while staying healthy and happy. Need more tips? Check out this other work-life balance article I wrote.

And remember, if you’re struggling and need assistance, don’t hesitate to ask me for help. I’m here to give you the tools and support you need to thrive in both your personal and professional life.

Also, check out this episode from my entrepreneur podcast for more helpful tips.