7 Keys To Emotional Maturity

Why Emotional Maturity Matters for Business Owners

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Hey there! I’m an entrepreneur coach. I know how important emotional maturity is for success in business. This goes beyond just not being rude, mean or otherwise irritating. We are talking about soft skills you need to be able to help you make good choices and have good relationships. These are all important for business and life success. 

In this article, we’ll talk about seven key parts of emotional maturity that are important for you as a business owner. First, let’s talk about why this is important before we dive into the traits of emotionally maturity.

The Importance of Emotional Maturity for Business Owners

anxious man reacting poorly to a woman while at a desk

We’ve all been there. In these horribly awkward moments when we are around people who are worse than us at emotional maturity, it can be really tough.

I remember one moment when I told a team member he could improve something, and his response was, “Are you saying that I am not pulling my weight?” It was super awkward for me and others around me to hear someone project their insecurities rather than focus on delivering a good product for the customer.

It’s easy to upset, feel superior, or simply avoid people who don’t handle stress well. But you can be different. You can show everyone how to deal with stress like a pro. You can be a shining example of calmness and clarity, even in confusing times.

Top achievers are the ones who spend hours fine-tuning and learning their craft, in addition to understanding their emotions and making healthy and safe decisions.

The Beacon of Sanity 

Being emotionally stable is a truly a superpower for business owners like yourself. It helps you handle stress, bounce back from problems, and lead your team well. You are truly the beacon of sanity when everything and everyone around you seems to be crumbling.

Research shows that people who are mature leaders are better at dealing with the challenges of running a business. By working on your emotional maturity, you can become a better leader, make smarter choices, and create a workplace where everyone feels happy and supported.

Nobody Said Emotional Maturity is Easy

Nobody said that emotional maturity is easy to keep and improve upon. If it were easy, the world would be filled with athletic millionaires, celebrities, and super smart people. Top achievers are the ones who spend hours fine-tuning and learning their craft, in addition to understanding their emotions and making healthy and safe decisions.

The process of developing emotional maturity takes time and effort. So, as you read the next section, be kind to yourself and understand that some traits may be easier to develop than others. You may have seen people instantly rage and fume and think that is normal. 

Perhaps you are used to stuffing your feelings so deep inside that you don’t even know what you are feeling about yourself, let alone how to process what is happening around you. Unlearning that behavior takes time. With that being said, let’s dive into seven tips you need to know.

7 Tips To Improve Your Maturity

two woman talking while drinking coffee at desk

Tip #1: Know What is Happening Within You

Instead of talking about what they are doing and how they are making you irritable, let’s talk about you. Do you know you? A huge part of maturity is about knowing yourself at a deeper level.

Self-awareness is about knowing yourself – your strengths, weaknesses, and what makes you tick. For instance, if you often get mad when things don’t go your way, being self-aware means noticing that and figuring out better ways to handle it.

You might notice your body tensing up or feeling uneasy, which shows something isn’t right. In the past, you might have ignored these signs and pushed through. But now you know to deal with them before you say or do something you’ll regret later.

Understand the meaning behind your actions

Self-awareness also involves understanding the reasons behind your actions. For example, if you tend to nitpick every little thing your team members do, being self-aware means knowing this behavior and understanding how it impacts your team’s morale and productivity. Nobody wants to feel constantly criticized. 

Instead of just focusing on tasks, try to understand what’s driving your behavior. By recognizing your underlying fears and anxieties, you can start trusting your team more and giving them the freedom they need to succeed.

Showing empathy and compassion involves listening to their concerns, offering support, and being flexible with deadlines when necessary. And if the people around you are truly appreciative, they will repay you with loyalty and hard work.

Tip #2: Increase Your Empathy and Compassion

As a business owner, you’re driven and eager to accomplish tasks and see results. However, reaching your goals often requires involving others in the process. That’s where empathy and compassion come in.

Empathy is about understanding how others feel, while compassion is about showing kindness and care toward them. 

When you’re not focused on getting things done at any cost and instead consider how your decisions or actions affect others, your team members, customers, and associates will appreciate working with you. This can lead to good team members staying with you and increased sales over time.

Also, when you understand how others feel and treat them with kindness, they’re more likely to trust you and want to work with you longterm. For example, if one of your team members is going through a tough personal situation, showing empathy and compassion involves listening to their concerns, offering support, and being flexible with deadlines when necessary. And if they are truly appreciative, they will repay you with loyalty and hard work.

Tip #3: Do The Right Thing Regardless if Anyone is Watching You

Integrity means being honest, doing what’s right, and sticking to your principles, no matter what. It can be tough, especially when it seems like everyone else is being dishonest or cutting corners to succeed. But remember, those who lie and cheat don’t usually stay on top for long.

When you have integrity, people trust and respect you. You build a reputation for being reliable, which is crucial in business. For example, if a supplier makes a mistake and overcharges you, having integrity means admitting the error and working with the supplier to fix it, even if it means paying more than expected. Over time, they may offer you better deals because they value doing business with someone they can trust.

Tip #4: Roll with The Punches

Adaptability means being flexible and ready to change when things don’t go as planned. In business, things can change fast, so being adaptable is very important. It helps you handle problems, learn from mistakes, and keep moving forward.

I understand that as humans, once we get attached to an idea, it can stick to us like fingers super-glued together. But resist the urge to stick to that original idea no matter what and be ready to change direction as needed.

For example, if a new competitor enters your market and takes some of your customers, being adaptable means not panicking or sticking to old ways of doing things. Instead, it means changing your approach, being creative, and finding new ways to meet your customers’ needs.

Tip #5: Make Smarter Decisions

We all have those moments when we feel something’s not right. Our spidey-senses are on high alert. Next, that pit-in-the-stomach feeling tells us that something or someone might not turn out well in the end. That’s why having good judgment is crucial. It means you combine your head or your heart reaction with action.

And what kind of action am I talking about, you may ask. Glad you asked!

Great actions are based on making decisions or judgment calls that will benefit everyone involved. So, when you have good judgment, you avoid making quick decisions that could hurt your business or others. For example, if you’re thinking about expanding your product line but aren’t sure, good judgment means carefully thinking about the pros and cons. It also means taking into account what’s happening in the market, listening to feedback from customers, and talking to people you trust before making a decision.

Tip #6: Choose Patience Over Shortcuts

frustrated man at desk with his hand covering his face

Delayed gratification means being patient and willing to wait for good things. In business, it means working hard now, even if you don’t see results right away. This can be tough if you struggle with anxiety.

Resist the temptation to take shortcuts for quick results. For example, in the world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), there are ethical practices known as white hat tactics. These involve being clear and honest about what readers can expect from your website. On the other hand, black hat tactics involve unethical practices like buying links or stuffing your posts with keywords just to attract traffic. While some may promise quick results using Black Hat SEO, they often come with the risk of being penalized by search engines like Google. Avoid these shortcuts and focus on building long-term success through patience and ethical practices.

Tip #7: Learn to Bounce Back Stronger from Life’s Challenges

Emotional resilience is about bouncing back from tough times and staying positive. It’s like being a rubber band – you can stretch without breaking. When you’re emotionally strong, you can handle challenges gracefully and come out stronger.

For instance, if your business faces a big blow, like losing a major client, it can really stink. Especially if you’ve worked hard to keep them happy. Instead of feeling down, you choose to stay hopeful, learn from the experience, and look for new opportunities to grow and succeed. After all, no business or person should define your success.

The picture below shows what I think. After that, I’ll share my last thoughts.

Final Thoughts

I hope these tips have been helpful to you. By focusing on qualities like resilience, self-awareness, and the other five mentioned, you can improve as a leader, make smarter decisions, and make your business successful. 

If you’re ready to be the better version of you and grow your business, I’m here to help. Let’s work together to help you reach your goals.

Don’t forget to check out this episode from my entrepreneur podcast for more tips and inspiration on your journey to greatness!