Dealing with Difficult Personalities: Tips for Success at Work
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In today’s tough business world, getting along with others and handling them well is super important for doing well. And how we handle them is really important for what happens next. But how do you stay calm when you’re dealing with people who aren’t honest?
It’s tough. Even as an entrepreneur coach, I’ve had some really confusing moments. However, learning how to deal with unreliable people or difficult personalities helps you protect your business, keep your good name, and stay calm.
This article talks about dealing with unreliable, illogical, and really annoying people. Plus, I’ll give you easy ways to handle these challenges. Whether you’re experienced in business or just starting out, knowing how to deal with these situations will help you stay chill and minimize your stress levels. First, let’s talk about those frustrating people.
Are they for real? Signs you're dealing with a 'unique' personality.
We could spend a lot of time talking about people who make life interesting. But I know you’re busy, so let’s get to it. Here’s my top five list of people in business who can be a bit all over the place:
The Flake:
“I was looking at my astrology chart today and discovered that Venus is in retrograde. Let’s try again later.” The flake is quicker to crumble than a cookie dunked in milk. They are always changing their mind or plans without warning. For example, they might agree to a meeting and then cancel at the last minute, leaving you scrambling to reschedule.
The Drama Queen/King:
“We’re not going to do anything until someone locates my good luck pen, you know, the one that is decorated with confetti!” And the drama doesn’t stop there. A drama king or queen will not hesitate to make a big deal out of small issues and cause unnecessary chaos. For instance, they might react dramatically to minor problems, disrupting the workplace.
The Finger Pointer:
“Oh, it wasn’t my fault!” This kind of person never admits when they’re wrong and always blames others for their mistakes. For example, if a project fails, they’ll blame others instead of taking responsibility.
The Energy Vampire:
You feel tired and exhausted the moment you see their resting bitch face. They constantly bring down the mood and motivation of those around them. For instance, they might complain a lot, spread gossip, or have a negative attitude that affects the whole team.
The Impulsive Decision Maker:
“I was scrolling through Instagram last night, and I saw this coach claiming she made a million dollars simply by using rocks and crystals. It looked so appealing that I decided to spend all of our marketing budget on this.” Oh, boy! This person is known for making crazy, irrational, and impulsive decisions without considering the consequences. They might not actually be blowing all their money on rocks, but expect them to talk about the virtues of magic beans that supposedly access millions of dollars when planted in the right place.
Dealing with these kinds of people can be tough, but there are ways to handle them. In the next section, we’ll talk about ten strategies for dealing with difficult personalities.

10 tips to handle difficult personalities in business
Dealing with difficult people in business can be tough, but there are some tips to help you handle them wisely:
1. Stick to Your Values:
Your values are like a compass in the business world. When you encounter people who aren’t honest or consistent, hold on to your principles. Honesty, integrity, and openness should be the foundation of your business. By sticking to these values, you keep your integrity intact and attract trustworthy people who share your beliefs.
Of course, you may encounter or have hired individuals who try to sneak past your initial guardrails of sanity, but at least they know where you stand when they venture beyond the realms of logic, practicability, and reason.
2. Set Boundaries:
Healthy relationships require boundaries. Clearly state what’s acceptable and what’s not. Once, a business associate asked if she could bring her pet snake to visit me and my then-newborn son. Fortunately, she changed her mind before the trip. However, if she hadn’t, I would have told her that “Ralph” should stay in the car.
Don’t be afraid to tell people if they cross your limits. Boundaries aren’t about building walls; they’re about mutual respect. Take it as a bad omen if someone feels angered about your need for safety and clarity.
3. Check People Out:
Trust is good, but it’s important to verify things too. Before starting any business relationship, watch out for signs of unreliability, dangerous or shady behavior. Here are some other things to look out for.
Warning signs of bad behavior to look out for.
Being All Over the Place: If someone keeps changing their mind or actions all the time, they might not be reliable.
Keeping Secrets: If someone doesn’t tell you everything or avoids answering your questions, they might not be trustworthy.
Saying More Than Doing: Watch out if someone often promises big things but doesn’t actually follow through.
Not Listening or Compromising: If someone doesn’t want to talk about problems or find solutions together, it could lead to trouble.
Trouble with the Law: Check if someone has had legal problems in the past, like getting sued or having money issues.
Bad at Talking: Pay attention to how well someone communicates. If they’re often confusing or don’t respond quickly, it could cause problems later on.
Acting Unprofessionally: Be careful if someone acts rude or is a bully, doesn’t show up on time, or doesn’t act like a professional.
Money Problems: If someone has had trouble paying bills or owes a lot of money, they might not be able to keep their promises to you.
Not Taking Feedback Well: If someone gets mad when you try to give them advice, it might be hard to work with them.
Not Playing Fair: Watch out for anyone who lies, cheats, or doesn’t follow the rules. They could hurt your reputation or get you in trouble.
Alright, let’s continue with the networking smartly and other ways to keep yourself safe from difficult personalities.
When things get rough, as they always do in business, it's better to have people who understand and can work well with you than a bunch of fair-weather folk around you. Plus, people who understand you can help you collaborate on new ideas to build on what's going well in your business.
Denise G. Lee Tweet
4. Network Smartly
This isn’t the sitcom Cheers where everybody knows your name. Not everyone needs to know everything about you.
Now is the time to be selective with your time and energy. Surround yourself with honest people who share your values. Attend events where you’re likely to meet professionals who think like you do.
5. Trust Your Gut:
Trusting your gut is essential, especially in business. Intuition plays a crucial role in all aspects of life, guiding us to make decisions based on instinct rather than solely relying on logic. Paying attention to your instincts when assessing people can provide valuable insights into their character and intentions. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s important to be cautious and heed your intuition.
In Malcolm Gladwell’s book, “Blink,” he explores the concept of “thin-slicing,” suggesting that quick, instinctive decisions can often be more accurate than carefully considered ones. Therefore, trusting your gut can lead to better judgment and help you navigate challenging situations with confidence and clarity.
6. Learn from the Past:
Reflecting on past experiences helps you learn and remember better. For me, there are certain personalities that don’t jibe with me, and I don’t want to try to tango with someone who reminds me of a personality that doesn’t care about my need for clarity and consistency.
But what about you? Do you have things that are a must for interacting with you? Write them down and be clear with yourself so that you don’t find yourself compromising with shady characters in the future.

7. Quality Beats Quantity:
Focus on building strong relationships rather than having lots of them. Trust, respect, and understanding matter more than having many connections. When things get rough, as they always do in business, it’s better to have people who understand and can work well with you than a bunch of fair-weather folk around you. Plus, people who understand you can help you collaborate on new ideas to build on what’s going well in your business.
8. Get Support:
Entrepreneurship can be challenging, so surround yourself with supportive friends or mentors who understand your struggles. Social support helps you handle stress better and makes you more resilient. I have a couple of people in my speed dial that I connect with to help me feel sane and recharged. If you don’t have someone like that, find them. Nobody can grow a business without emotional support.
9. Take Care of Yourself:
Dealing with difficult people can be draining, so prioritize self-care. Do things that recharge you and keep you balanced. Exercise, mindfulness, and spending time with loved ones reduce stress and boost well-being. For example, take breaks and engage in activities you enjoy when work feels overwhelming.
10. Celebrate Your Wins:
Don’t forget to celebrate your successes, big or small. After dealing with a difficult personality that tap danced on your last nerve, you may need to give yourself a pat on the back for not blowing a fuse. Recognizing your achievements boosts motivation and keeps you moving forward for the next challenge that lays ahead.
The image below summarizes my top tips. Next, I will share my final thoughts on dealing with difficult personalities.

Final Thoughts
Dealing with shady folks and inconsistency in business isn’t easy, but it’s doable. Stick to your values, set boundaries, and build strong connections. Trust your instincts, learn from past experiences, and take care of yourself. Celebrate your wins and lean on your support network when needed. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our business goals.
If you’re struggling in your business journey and need guidance, work with me as your coach. Together, we’ll tackle obstacles and reach your goals.
Also, listen to my entrepreneur podcast, for valuable tips and stories from successful entrepreneurs who also have navigated the tricky waters of business communication. And remember, you’re not alone in your business journey! With support and guidance, you can achieve your dreams.