A woman sitting in the grass with her legs crossed.

Practical Self-Care Tips for Leaders and Entrepreneurs

Reading Time: 6 minutes

As a life coach for businesses, I am super into leaders like you. And why? Because I know that many people depend on you. You provide your clients and team members with calm, stability, and a sense of purpose. Unfortunately, all this responsibility can lead you to feel depleted, exhausted, and tired.

If not monitored, the weight of all your tasks will lead to stress, anxiety, as well as exhaustion. Before you reach burnout, you need to schedule adequate time for rest and self-care into your day. In this article, we will discuss self-care tips designed for leaders and entrepreneurs like yourself. First, let’s talk about the reasons why it is hard to ask for help.

Reasons Why It Is Hard To Ask For Help

Before we discuss my recommended self-care tips, you need to understand why you may hesitate to ask for help. This is important so that you prevent yourself from slipping to familiar, yet unhealthy habits in the future.

man sitting on chair thinking

Reason #1: Overlapping Commitments

We have worked so hard to support others that some how along the way we forgot how to receive emotional, physical and spiritual support. This may be due to overlapping commitments and priorities. If you feel as if you have too much to do and too little time, now is the time to prioritize the important from the urgent.

With so many commitments, it is hard to cultivate rest and relaxation in your regulate routine. In the podcast link below, I talk about how to create the space so that you can be able to add more fun and joy in your life.

Reason #2:  You Don’t Want To Look Less Than Perfect

Nobody wants to admit they are struggling with an issue. This is especially true if you spend your days being viewed as a problem solving, do-it-all with no frustration, miracle worker. Another reason why you resist looking for help is because the intense shame of past mistakes.

However, if you want to improve your overall health and wellness, this requires admitting your current situation and seek self-care. Self-care means that you are honest and vulnerable with others. This is a difficult task if you were raised to be perfect, try hard, be strong and never complain. 

Seeking support is a sign of strength 

Yes, showing your ongoing need for support is a sign of strength, not weakness. Mental health researcher and LCSW Brené Brown, has admitted that although she is recovering alcoholic (23 years and counting!), she still needs help to address her unresolved emotional issue.  

If you want to grow your business and improve the quality of your life, you must be ready to share the good, bad and ugly side of your life. Nobody can help you if they don’t know anything wrong.

woman looking at computer


Reason #3: You Don’t See How It Is Affecting You in A Negative Way 

I want to admit something: For many years I ignored chronic neck and shoulder pain. Yeah, I had to take pain pills in increasing dosage, but it was not a problem (as I told myself). Then one day I was I couldn’t take a shower due to the pain.
Have you ignored a sign or two or more that something was wrong with your body, mind or soul? If you have, you may have noticed that the pain intensified with over time. 
Attend to your needs. If you don’t see it as a problem today, it may become a serious issue tomorrow. An ounce of prevention is cheaper than a pound of cure.
Choose to be proactive with your mental health and wellness. Regularly applying self-care tactics is essential if you want to feel more confidence about yourself. Next, let’s discuss practical self-care tips to attending to your mental, physical and spiritual needs.

A health crisis—whether emotional, physical, or spiritual—rarely happens out of nowhere. There are usually warning signs long before things get to that point, but it’s easy to dismiss them when life gets busy.

Three Practical Self-Care Tips For Entrepreneurs & Leaders 

There are too many website that tell you to improve your diet, schedule time to exercise and spend time with your friends and family members. And while those tips are needed and useful, there are other things to consider. Let’s talk about signals that show something you need to attend the needs of your body, mind or soul.

woman staring out window and thinking

Tip #1: Pay Attention to the Signs Your Body Needs Rest

One of the most common reasons people feel overwhelmed or burned out is due to neglecting their basic needs. These can include feeling hungry, angry, lonely, or tired—often remembered as HALT. The HALT principle is widely taught in twelve-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to help prevent relapse, but it applies to everyone. When you experience one or more of these feelings, it’s your body and mind signaling that something needs attention.

Think about it: when you’re hungry, you may feel more irritable or short-tempered. If you’re tired, even small tasks can feel overwhelming. It’s not just about your mood—there’s a biological, psychological, or emotional need that isn’t being met. Listening to these signals is crucial. If you find yourself snapping at people or feeling unusually down, pause and check if any of these HALT factors are present.

As the saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup,” and that’s true. Take care of yourself first before you can show up fully for others.

A woman sitting in the grass with her legs crossed.

Tip #2: Addressing Your Needs Before You Reach a Crisis

A health crisis—whether emotional, physical, or spiritual—rarely happens out of nowhere. There are usually warning signs long before things get to that point, but it’s easy to dismiss them when life gets busy. However, paying attention to these early signs can help you avoid bigger issues down the road.

Here are a few questions to check in with yourself:

  • When was the last time you took a break? It’s okay to pause, even for a few minutes, to recharge.
  • Have you eaten something healthy today? Junk food might be convenient, but it won’t give you the energy and clarity you need.
  • Have you moved your body recently? Whether it’s a short walk, stretching, or a workout, physical movement is essential.
  • Have you spent time in nature? Studies show that being outdoors can reduce stress and improve your mood.
  • When did you last talk to someone who made you smile or laugh? Connection is vital for our well-being.
  • Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration can affect your mood and energy levels.
  • Are you sitting for too long? Your body might be telling you it needs a change in position or a break to avoid discomfort.

These small habits can make a huge difference in how you feel. It’s about taking care of your body and mind before it gets to a point where they’re demanding attention in not-so-subtle ways.

If you’re feeling particularly stressed or overwhelmed, ask yourself:

  • Can you step away from the situation for a moment? A change in environment, even briefly, can help reset your mind.
  • Who can help you? Sometimes, reaching out for support can be the most important step.
  • What can you do to avoid or minimize future stress? Think ahead and plan for ways to prevent recurring issues.

As Eleanor Brownn said, “You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”

latino family hugging

Tip #3: Be Honest with Yourself and Your Community

Honesty is a vital part of any healing journey. Not only with yourself but also with the people around you. It’s easy to bottle up feelings or pretend everything is okay, but true growth comes from being open, even when it’s uncomfortable.

To build stronger, more genuine relationships, ask yourself:

  • Who in my life truly cares about my well-being? Identify those who have shown consistent interest and concern.
  • How much time am I investing in important relationships? Sometimes, all it takes is a bit more intentional time with loved ones.
  • Am I showing others that I am more than just my role or title? You are more than your job or responsibilities.
  • Am I open with others about my struggles? Sharing your setbacks can actually strengthen your connections with others.
  • Am I willing to accept help or feedback? Growth often requires humility, and it’s okay to lean on others when needed.

From my experience as a trauma-informed life coach, many of my clients have people who care about them and want to provide emotional support. However, what often holds them back is a lack of confidence or unspoken expectations. By learning to be honest and open with themselves and their community, they were able to strengthen these relationships and accept the help they needed.

I hope these tips helped you to reflect on the state of your mental, physical, and spiritual health. Remember, there’s no shame in taking a step back to re-evaluate different areas of your life. It’s an act of self-care, not weakness. As you move forward, take these steps seriously and listen to the messages your body and mind are sending you. Next, I’ll share my final thoughts.

Closing Thoughts

The best leaders are those who can communicate their needs to others and also more importantly, to themselves. Show your community that you can regulate your emotions, find healthy ways to banish stress and communicate your needs with others.

Self-care is vital for leaders and entrepreneurs like yourself if you want to grow and scale your business. Now is the time to banish this idea that you must not ask or receive help. Do not hesitate reaching out to me if you need help.

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