5 Wellness Tips to Reclaim Your Life

Wellness Tips: Embracing Self-Care for Recovery and Growth

Reading Time: 10 minutes

Hi, I’m Denise G Lee, a coach for entrepreneurs who focuses on helping business owners overcome life’s challenges with confidence.

My journey into coaching started after I faced my own struggles with stress and difficult experiences. Over time, I’ve learned valuable lessons that I now share with others. If you’re recovering from a stressful or traumatic situation, this article is for you.

Here, we’ll explore how to move past pain and embrace self-care, a crucial step in your journey to feeling better. We’ll discuss why this change is important and offer practical, science-backed tips for wellness that are easy to understand and use.

First, let’s talk about why it can be hard to make a habit of taking better care of yourself. This is crucial because many leaders and business owners neglect their own needs, both at work and in their personal lives.

Two Reasons Why Enjoying Life Can Feel Strange After Experiencing Pain

woman looking out into the mirror

Reason #1: Getting used to pleasure is not normal when all you know is pain.

It amazes me how movies try to bridge the gap between fantasy land and our struggles in the real world. Let me explain through a couple of examples where even though we are doing well successfully or otherwise, we may struggle to adjust to taking better care of ourselves in some cinematic examples:

  • “The Hunger Games” trilogy: Katniss Everdeen struggles to find peace and enjoy life after the trauma of the games and subsequent war.
  • “The Shawshank Redemption”: After decades in prison, Brooks Hatlen struggles to adapt to freedom and the pleasures of normal life.
  • “The Matrix”: When Cypher betrays his comrades, he expresses a desire to return to the simulated pleasure of the Matrix, saying “ignorance is bliss.”
Although all of these examples are fiction, they powerfully resonate with us for a reason. It’s hard to put your invisible weapons down once the war is over. And the reason is simple: Your mind is still there battling out foes real or imagined.
To put it another way, how can you think about wellness or tips to live optimally when all you want to do is survive?

When you are stressed, your body wants to hold onto every single bit of weight because it is unsure of when it will face another stressful situation. This survival mechanism dates back to ancient times when our ancestors needed to store energy to survive tough periods.

Reason #2:  Past Stress Affect Our Bodies and Minds

When you’ve been through tough times, it might seem strange to experience joy or relaxation. You might think that your “armor” of stress and tension is protecting you, but in reality, it’s flooding your body with stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones can make you feel constantly on edge and prevent you from truly relaxing.
Below is a very unflattering photo taken of me about two years ago. The reason I am showing it is that not only was I carrying extra weight physically, but it was also during an extremely stress-filled and painful season of my professional life. I barely slept and comforted myself with candy and carbs. I felt a bit of a hypocrite telling my clients wellness tips when I my gut was spilling out from my pants.
When you are stressed, your body wants to hold onto every single bit of weight because it is unsure of when it will face another stressful situation. This survival mechanism dates back to ancient times when our ancestors needed to store energy to survive tough periods.
It’s important to recognize that past stress can linger in our bodies and minds. It shapes our reactions and can keep us stuck in a state of constant vigilance. Understanding this connection is the first step towards breaking free from the cycle and reclaiming our health and happiness.
A woman in pink shirt and white shorts standing next to tree.

The Telomeres Connection 

Now, let’s add an important piece to this puzzle: telomeres. Telomeres are the protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes, much like the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces that prevent them from fraying. Every time our cells divide, these telomeres get a little shorter. Stress, especially chronic stress, can speed up this shortening process.
Why does this matter? Shorter telomeres are associated with aging and an increased risk of diseases. So, when we hold onto stress and trauma, it’s not just our minds that suffer; our bodies do too. And while at that drama and confusion may have been normalized at home it is was not healthy for you and everyone you care about then and now. 
Before we talk about some wellness tips to get your health in better shape, let’s first discuss what chronic stress looks like in the workplace.

Four Signs of Chronic Stress in a Successful Business Owner

upset woman talking with another woman behind a desk with an open laptop

Maybe you don’t have the types of generational trauma that I mentioned earlier, but if you are a financially successful business owner, you have been through significant stress at least at one point in your career.

Here are some of the ways you may have been pushed to the limit as you were trying to grow and expand your brand:

  1. Financial Pressure: Managing cash flow, paying employees, and ensuring the business remains profitable can be overwhelming.
  2. Workload: Long hours and a never-ending list of tasks can lead to burnout.
  3. Responsibility: The pressure of being responsible for the livelihood of employees and the success of the business can weigh heavily on your mind.
  4. Competition: Constantly needing to innovate and stay ahead of competitors can create persistent stress.
Next, I want to share an example of how long-term stress and mistrust can not only limit your emotional and spiritual well-being but also hurt your business operations.

The King Will Not Step Down

Texas Renaissance Festival
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Have you watched the documentary, “Ren Faire” It is really good. It was about the management that ran the Texas Renaissance Fair.  I won’t give a spoiler but will use it to illustrate a big idea: Refusing to Step Down.

George Coulam’s situation in the “Ren Faire” documentary perfectly illustrates the challenges many leaders face when considering retirement or stepping away from their life’s work. Known as the “King,” his struggle to let go of control over the Texas Renaissance Festival reflects common concerns among long-time leaders. Here are some of his thoughts:

Balancing Legacy with Trust: Signs You Can’t Let Go of Control 
  • “But what if they can’t run it as well as I do?” George seems to worry about this constantly, doubting that anyone else can maintain the festival’s success and unique character.
  • “How can I ensure it continues exactly as I want it to?” This concern is evident in George’s attempts to micromanage and control every aspect of the festival, even as he claims to want to retire.
  • “Let me set this up before I leave.” George’s reluctance to fully commit to retirement and his constant meddling in festival affairs show his desire to maintain influence even after stepping down.
  • “Can this person really handle all the responsibilities?” George’s skepticism about potential successors, including Jeff and Bradi Baldwin, demonstrates his lack of trust in others’ abilities to manage the festival.

Even though he felt too old to run the park (he was 86 when this was recorded) and longed for companionship, he couldn’t bring himself to leave the kingdom he had built so carefully. I’m not suggesting you become stubborn and refuse to relinquish control. Instead, take a moment to pause. In the next section, let’s discuss how you can start your journey toward overall wellness in life.

Take a Moment to Pause and Reflect

man kneeling looking away outside

At some point in your career, if you want a long and peaceful path, you need time to think about where you are and where you want to be. This isn’t just about taking a break; it’s about reevaluating how you are living your life. Ask yourself these questions: 

  • Are you not living well? If so, why?
  • Why should things improve? 
  • Do you find yourself jumping from one crisis to another? 
Maybe it’s not the people or the nature of your work but how you are reacting to your environment.
That’s why in the next section we will talk about some wellness tips to help you find focus, balance, and clarity.

5 Wellness Tips to Reclaim Your Life

man looking happy and smiling

Before we dive into these wellness tips, it’s important to understand one thing: if you don’t believe you deserve love, care, and affection because of past hardships, none of these tips will make a difference. 

Our minds tend to repeat old patterns, creating a script that continues until we have stronger, more positive beliefs. So, as tough as it may be to confront the past, unless you deal with it, it will keep sabotaging your efforts today. If you struggle with taking care of your mind, body, and soul, seek help from someone like myself who is experienced with trauma and addiction.

Now that we’ve covered why self-care is important and how to overcome common obstacles, let’s explore some practical wellness tips to help you reclaim your life:

1. Mindfulness Meditation

  • What It Is: Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on the present moment without judgment.
  • How It Helps: Research shows that mindfulness can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being.
  • Example: Try sitting quietly for 5 minutes each day, focusing on your breath. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath.

Mindfulness meditation helps you watch your thoughts and feelings without getting too caught up in them. And if you become stressed, regular mediation helps you return to a calm state of mind when in a stressful situation. If you’re new to it, apps like Headspace or Calm can be really helpful with guided meditations. 

One of my favorite meditation books is “Looking at Mindfulness: 25 Ways to Live in the Moment Through Art” by Dr. Christophe Andre. It uses famous artworks to help you meditate.

man kneeling looking away outside


2. Be More Grateful

  • What They Are: Most of us are unhappy because we focus only on what is going wrong in our lives. However, we can flip the script and adopt a more optimistic mindset. Positive affirmations are statements that promote positivity.
  • How They Help: They can help rewire your brain to focus on positive thoughts and reduce feelings of unworthiness.
  • Example: Each morning, look in the mirror and say, “I am deserving of love and happiness.”

Trauma and stress hurt our brains, so now we need to train our minds to think in ways that help healing, strength, and hope. But we can fix this using positive affirmations. Neuroscience shows that repeating thoughts can create new paths in your brain.

Remember, when you were sick, you spent a lot of time telling yourself how worthless and no-good you are. No wonder you found relief in using things, people, or even hurting yourself. Now, all you are doing is channeling this energy into things that motivate, uplift, and encourage you. 

group of people exercising

3. Exercise Regularly

  • What It Is: Physical activity, such as walking, running, or yoga.
  • How It Helps: Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, and reduces stress hormones.
  • Example: Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

Regular exercise not only makes you feel happier but also makes your body healthier, which makes you even happier. Find something you like doing, like dancing, swimming, or hiking, so you’ll stick with it. 

Also, don’t feel like you have to stick with one thing forever. I change my workout every 4-5 days. It keeps my muscles working hard and stops me from getting bored or down.

4. Healthy Eating

  • What It Is: Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
  • How It Helps: Good nutrition supports overall health and can improve mood and energy levels.
  • Example: Start your day with a nutritious breakfast like oatmeal topped with fresh berries. Or make sure you eat some type of food that isn’t covered in goo or something filled with excessive cream or sugar.

Eating well is really important for your mental health. Foods like salmon and flaxseeds, which have omega-3 fatty acids, are especially good for your brain. Also, leafy greens and colorful veggies have antioxidants that fight inflammation and keep your mind healthy. Most importantly, find a diet that fits your health needs and respects your culture, religion, or values.

woman journaling next to a window

5. Journaling

  • What It Is: Writing down your thoughts and feelings.
  • How It Helps: Journaling can help you process emotions and gain insights into your expectations and beliefs.
  • Example: Spend 10 minutes each evening writing about your day and reflecting on what you are grateful for.

Journaling provides a safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings. It’s a tool for looking at yourself that can show patterns and what makes you react emotionally. Many people find it useful to start with questions like “What did I learn today?” or “How did I handle a problem today?”

I keep several journals, not just for personal thoughts but also for exercise and work. They help me focus on the emotions I feel, whether lifting weights or dealing with business challenges. They remind me of where I was and how I got past obstacles or saw new chances. Remember this important fact: Healthy minds make better decisions.

The image below summarizes my wellness tips. Next, I will share my final thoughts.

5 Wellness Tips to Reclaim Your Life

Final Thoughts 

Reclaiming your life after stress and tough times is not just possible but necessary. By using these wellness tips, you can start to break free from the cycle of stress and embrace a life full of love and positivity. Remember, every small step you take toward caring for yourself and loving yourself is a triumph.

If you found this article helpful, I invite you to work with me personally. As a coach for entrepreneurs, I can help you with specific strategies to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. Don’t hesitate to contact me.

Also, check out my this episode from my entrepreneur podcast where I share more insights and tips on wellness and personal growth. Together, we can make a positive change in your life.

Thank you for reading. Remember, you deserve happiness and love, and I’m here to help you every step of the way.