How to Boost Energy Naturally: Reduce Stress & Improve Focus
Have you started your day feeling burnt out and tired? As a life coach for business owners, I know the importance of performing your best despite feeling as if you have little to no energy.
You want to do your best, but you don’t know how to use your energy when it feels like everyone and everything wants your time. But don’t worry—I’ve got your back. In this article, we will discuss how you can prevent burnout and have effortless energy in all areas of your life.
Confessions from a workaholic
Before I talk about obtaining effortless energy, I have a confession to make: I am a recovering, type-A personality or workaholic. This is no disrespect those who like this style. Personally, I knew I had to change this behavior if I wanted to live past the age of 55.
Anyway, when I am motivated, I know how to get up and start working and keep working while everyone else is sleeping. I wish I could say that I was born committed to high achievement. No, I worked super hard out to block out the painful feelings of insecurity, anxiety and fear.
While working hard gave me tons of praise professionally and personally, it came at a high cost.

The cost of trying to control people and things
My whole life, in business, with family and friends – one hallmark feature was that I thought I had to ‘run, chase, conquer, commit’ or ‘stay the course no matter what’.
I had to be the “fixer” of every problem -real or perceived. The only one who can rush in and save the day.
Most mornings I hit the pavement hard and crashed and scraped my emotional skin raw by night. This behavior lasted for years knowing that it was literally draining me of my energy and vitality.
We humans are NOT built to shoulder tons of responsibility, all day, every day.
As leaders, we must learn how to control our energy so that we can reduce stress and maximize our productivity.
The secret to more energy level is a better state of inner flow
Now is the time to eliminate the stress and get into more flow. Being in flow is being mindful or conscious of how we use our energy.
This article is not so much how to gain more energy, but how you can channel your energy into a positive state of flow. Flow is when you are attuned to your spiritual, emotional and physical health. Let’s talk about what flow looks like in everyday situations.
What does being in flow with ones energy look like?
💧Communicate without worrying how others will react.
💧Know when to work and when it is time to rest.
💧Recognize when it is appropriate to speak (a big game changer for sure).
💧 Recognize the right people, opportunities, and resources that are meant for you and you alone.
This question of “flow” felt enigmatic to me for many years. For an ambitious motivated person, this feel like a foreign concept. Here is the fastest and quickest way to understand it.

How Women Can Improve Their Energy
Women get what they want by knowing what they DO NOT WANT.
Let me explain my rationale.
Women should know what they DO NOT WANT because most women manage their energy with their instinctual neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, GABA, amongst others). This fuels the ability to understand their intuition and how to process ones feelings.
For example, if you are woman, have you ever canceled some plan or activity, with no reason other than you ‘didn’t FEEL like it?’ That is you expressing your “DO NOT WANT.” That is your body keeping yourself from perceived harm.
The female body has a built-in self-protection mechanism designed to help you flow from things that harm you and effortlessly guide you into where you need to be.

How Men Can Improve Their Energy
Men can reduce their stress levels and improve their energy by understanding their WANTS.
You may be thinking, “How does that work?” Great question!
Most men use their intuitive thinking which helps them to know want to do with limited information. As a man, you get what you want in life by knowing what you want and having the courage to get it.
I highly recommend the book, “Blink” by Malcom Gladwell that dives into the power of intuition. It will help you to not doubt your ability to take advantage of opportunities.
Boost your energy through your natural intuitive or instinctual power
Men and women both have the power of intuition and instinct, however each gender uses one predominately over the other.
When we use our intuitive or instinctive thinking, we don’t give worry or anxiety any of our power. We act, rather than react to the unknown, frustrating or unpredictable events and people in our lives.
We do not have to be prone to burnout. There is a better way to live.
Let’s live in a state of flow. That is when we manage our time, conserve our energy and focus on our priorities throughout the day.
Next, we will talk about self-care and remove obstacles to taking care of your needs.

Now is the time to prioritize your health
If you are ambitious, you want to take care of things immediately, however, constantly working will lead to sickness and illness.
Now is the time to take care of ourselves so we can get more done in our lives. In this podcast episode, I discuss how to develop a self-care strategy that works for you.
Resist the tendency to work. Instead be in flow. Being in flow is being clear about what you want yet understanding the pros as well as the cons of your action(s).
Now that you know self-care is important, let’s talk about the obstacles or sneaky ways life (and yes, even us) can undermine our self-care goals.
The power of instincts, intuition and other ways to perceive your energy do not magically come to us overnight. Like anything else, it is a muscle that needs to be trained and developed.
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Obstacles to self-care
As you get more into flow, you will find resistance and it comes in two forms, as listed below. Understanding each type will help you to not let fears or other negative energy interfere with your self-care plan.
Two forms of resistance
- There is a desire to change your situation, but you don’t do it because of you are afraid of the unknown or an undesired outcome.
- You sense a call to change something about your life, but you don’t do it because you fear how others will react.
Nobody can make you go out of a state of flow. It is a personal choice. We are all reacting based on our mental state of mind.
Closing Thoughts
The power of instincts, intuition and other ways to perceive your energy do not magically come to us overnight. Like anything else, it is a muscle that needs to be trained and developed.
Ready to let go and be in flow? Listen to the episode from my podcast about how to release yourself from unrealistic expectations. Click here or press the play button below: