Improving Your Wellness: Practical Strategies For Entrepreneurs
As a successful leader, taking care of your emotional, spiritual, and mental health is not optional. But what does wellness really look like?
In the beginning of my personal journey, I thought it was limited to just journaling and meditation work – but it is so much more. If you want more in your business, and in your life, you need the complete package.
And as a life coach for entrepreneurs, I have learned that alignment is a necessary ingredient for success. In this article, we will discuss practical strategies to improve your overall health and wellness.
As you read through each idea, ask yourself, “Is there more to explore?” As humans, we love to avoid uncomfortable topics. Do your best to not past judgment on yourself and look at your wellness from an objective, non-judgmental perspective.

7 Science-Backed Strategies to Improve Your Wellness
Tip #1: Get enough sleep
This is may sound like a no-brainer, but getting enough restful sleep is crucial for your overall health and well-being. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Before you say, “Denise, I can get by on just 5-6 hours a day,” understand this: A body that lacks at least seven hours of a restful night is sleep-deprived and no different than an drugged-up, alcohol-fueled junkie.
Oh yes, I wrote that. Sleep deprivation is serious business.
The effect of sleep deprivation is no different than someone who is drunk from alcohol. Your body and mind are impaired. It is only a matter of time before something or someone (meaning you), crashes.
And here are some of the many impacts of sleep deprivation:
- Decreased cognitive function (for example – impaired memory and decision-making skills)
- Moodiness and overall irritability – everything and everyone is getting on your last nerve.
- Compromised immune system
- easily prone to get sick
- stay sick longer if you don’t have enough rest
- cuts and wounds take longer to heal
- susceptible to diabetes, obesity, depression, amongst other illnesses
- Linkages to neurodegenerative diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
How to improve your sleep quality
You don’t have to find yourself pacing the floors each night due to insomnia. Today, you have resources to get the sleep that your body deserves. Here are some tips to improve your sleep quality:
Enhance your sleep hygiene routine
- Sleep in a completely dark room. This will help your body to naturally create melatonin, the hormone that helps promote sleep.
- Sleep in a slightly cool environment with comfy sheets (look for high thread count of a minimum of 400).
- Kick out the electronic devices from your room. Notifications and buzzing noises in your ear keep your mind focused on anything but getting in those zzzs.
- Refer to the Sleep Foundation for more tips.
Use wearable technology
There are numerous smart wearable devices to help track and monitor the quality of your sleep. It will help you to create goals and asses the quality of your sleep throughout the night.
I use an Apple Watch, however there are other devices like the Oura ring, Apollo or Whoop.
Consider participating in a sleep study
Sometimes, even with an ambient environment, comfy sheets or great sleepwear – you still may have difficulty obtaining a quality night sleep. If so, there may be other issues which require a sleep study.
Polysomnography, also known as a sleep study, is a test used to diagnose sleep disorders such as narcolepsy or nocturnal panic attacks.

Tip #2: Eat a healthy diet
I am not a health coach, rather than a trauma-informed life coach. However, in my prior career as a medical exercise specialist, I encouraged clients to eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
A balance and healthy diet can help improve ones energy level and overall health.
Speaking about diets: I do not have a specific health or diet plan. In fact, I don’t believe in diets. Diets imply restriction.
I encourage you and all of my clients to make the shift towards Intuitive Eating. This is where your body, guides you towards the foods that sustain you.
If anything, I would encourage you to not eat processed foods, especially cured foods like bacon and sausage as they have been linked to health risks such as heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer and dementia.
Life is too precious to waste away without taking the time to indulge in what you love. Discover your passion and make it a priority in your everyday life. By doing what you love, you’ll become happier, more fulfilled, and more motivated to tackle life's challenges.
Denise Lee Tweet
Tip #3: Manage stress:
Tip #3 is all about managing stress, which is super important for your well-being. When you’re stressed out, it can really mess with you – making it harder to focus, remember things, sleep, and even causing anxiety.
Think about it like this: if you’re trying to build something awesome, like a business, you need to be in good shape yourself. You’re the leader, after all! And if you’re constantly stressed, it’s like trying to run a race with a bunch of heavy weights tied to your legs – not easy or fun!
Whatever works for you, make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises are one of many ways you can take of your body, mind and soul. Here are some more tips to help you improve your self-care routine.

Tip # 4: Exercise regularly
To maintain your sanity, leaders like yourself need to unplug from the grind of running their businesses. Regular exercise is important for maintaining good physical health and can also improve your mood and reduce stress.
Put away the laptop and put on some shoes and go for a walk. Spend time away from the office.
Want to create better connections with your work associates? Try exercise! Regular exercise with others helps to build great connections and relationships.
Exercise ideas
From yoga, to running, soccer or even walking around your neighborhood are all viable options. Find something and stick to it. All you need is 20-30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days out of the week.
New to exercise or trying to reboot an exercise routine? Here are some ways that you can make your exercise easier.
When starting anything new, ensure it's easy, simple, and can be integrated into your schedule effortlessly. And, most importantly, ensure you are held accountable so that you don't sabotage your own success!
Denise G. Lee Tweet
How to remove exercise obstacles
When it comes to sticking to an exercise routine, it’s important to tackle those obstacles head-on. Here are some simple tips to help you overcome them:
Keep it inexpensive: You don’t need fancy equipment or pricey gym memberships to get moving. Look for exercises that don’t cost much, like walking or jogging in your neighborhood, doing bodyweight exercises at home, or following free workout videos online.
Stay accountable: It’s easier to stick to your exercise routine when you have someone to keep you accountable. This could be a friend, family member, or even an app that tracks your progress and sends reminders to keep you on track.
Make it easy to learn: Don’t let complicated exercises intimidate you. Start with simple activities that you can easily learn and build upon. Things like walking, cycling, or basic strength training exercises are great options for beginners.
Fit it into your daily routine: Find ways to incorporate exercise into your everyday life. Instead of trying to carve out a big chunk of time for a workout, look for opportunities to be active throughout the day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a walk during your lunch break, or do some stretching while watching TV.
By keeping these tips in mind, you can remove some of the common obstacles that might get in the way of your exercise routine and set yourself up for success!

Tip #5: Build stronger non-professional relationships:
While your business is important, your business can only do so much for your wellness. Positive relationships outside of the office can have a significant impact on your overall well-being.
Make time for friends and family. They will help you weather the various storm of growing a business. And there is no such thing as “little communication,” every little form of communication counts. For example, sending a text message is better than no communication at all.
Prioritize your wellness by identifying positive people and excusing unhealthy people from your life.
Also, not all relationships are worth ending. Choose to forgive those you value. Research has shown that forgiving people who have caused you harm is linked to overall mental health and well-being.

Tip #6: Improve or begin a regular self-care routine:
Just like you charge up your phone to keep it working smoothly, you need to recharge yourself too! It’s important to take time out of your busy day for things that help you relax and feel good.
One way to do this is by starting a regular self-care routine. This means setting aside some time each day or week to do things that make you feel happy and calm. It could be as simple as taking a warm bath with your favorite bubbles, snuggling up with a good book, or treating yourself to a nice massage.
These activities aren’t just for fun – they’re actually really good for you! They help your body and mind unwind from the stresses of everyday life, like school or work. Plus, when you take care of yourself, you’ll feel more energized and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.
So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need a little pick-me-up, remember to take some time for yourself. Whether it’s a relaxing bath, a good book, or a soothing massage, self-care is the key to feeling your best!
Here is an article on more self-care tips designed for leaders and business owners like yourself.
Tip #7: Train Your Brain
Think of your brain like a muscle. When you exercise your muscles, they get stronger, right? Well, the same goes for your brain! It’s always working hard, processing all sorts of things like sounds, smells, sights, and tastes.
Now, your brain has different parts that do different jobs. The left side is like the logical thinker, focusing on facts and analysis. Meanwhile, the right side is more about creativity and thinking outside the box. They work together to help you do everything from solving math problems to coming up with cool ideas for art projects.
But here’s the thing: if you don’t use certain parts of your brain often enough, they can get a bit lazy. It’s like if you stop exercising your muscles, they might weaken over time. Scientists call this “use it or lose it” – basically, if you don’t use your brain, you might lose some of your memory and thinking skills.

Brain training exercises
Final Thoughts
Remember, enhancing overall well-being is a lifelong process. It’s important to prioritize self-care and make healthy choices every day to support your physical, emotional, and mental health. Do not hesitate to work with me if you need more help.
Ready to dig deeper? Listen to my podcast using this link or use the play button below.