4 tips to support your wellbeing at work

Four Well-Being Tips For Navigating Your Next New Job

Changing jobs or starting a new career presents an opportunity for a fresh start. Whatever your reason for switching roles, embarking on something new is a chance to build your skill set, broaden your professional network, and ultimately boost your prospects as you take another step on the career ladder. In this post, we will explore new job anxiety and how you can support yourself emotionally during this time of transition.

What is New Job Anxiety?

You may be reading this and thinking, “I’m good. Why do I need help?” While you are riding high, there are many reasons why you might need a little extra support.

Firstly, some of us can be overcome with the negative emotions that are naturally evoked by change. This is called new-job anxiety. And these feelings have the potential to impact our performance in the new workplace, which can also spill over into our personal lives, making it harder to manage our well-being during this time. 

In fact, research shows that 59% of new starters noted that new job anxiety affected their quality of sleep, while 35% found it hard to balance professional and personal life commitments.

Fortunately, there are many different things professionals can do to manage new job anxiety and ensure they can get off to the best possible start. In the next section, we will discuss tools to help support your overall mental well-being.

Tips to Support Your Emotional Well Being in a New Job/Career

Well-Being Tip #1: Establish boundaries

A change of roles brings with it new responsibilities and opportunities to throw yourself into new tasks. However, as much as you’ll want to make a positive impression on your colleagues, it’s important to set and stick to personal boundaries. 

Saying “no” can be difficult at the best of times (for lots of reasons), let alone when you’re trying to get your foot in the door at a new company. But in the interest of both your mental wellbeing and your professional performance, understanding when to turn down additional tasks is key.

What does that creating boundaries at work look like? 

Imagine your boss drops another project on your desk, and you’re already drowning in tasks. Instead of saying yes right away, take a moment to check your workload. Politely let them know you appreciate the opportunity but have other commitments. It’s not about being a buzzkill; it’s about protecting your time and making sure you can handle what’s already on your plate like a pro.

Well-Being Tip #2: Do Extra Training

No, not that kind of training (unless you are required to be a professional fighter). I am talking about office training.

In the world of business, successful professionals never stop learning. Especially if you’re going to have a short break between roles, taking the time to polish up your skills with some professional training courses is an excellent way to prepare yourself for your start date.

From keeping up to date with the latest industry insights and trends, to honing some of the skills listed in the job description, this proactive approach to development will help you to feel more comfortable and confident from the very first day.

At the same time, it’s crucial you don’t overwhelm yourself with tasks during a short career break. You may find it just as beneficial to take some time out for yourself to rest and recover so you’re ready to throw yourself into a new position when the time comes.

How can you get more skills?

Sign up for an online course or attend some workshops that sync up with your new role. Schedule in dedicated hours each day to soak up knowledge, keeping you sharp and up-to-date on what’s hot in the industry. This forward-thinking move ensures you’re walking into your new job with your A-game strong and your confidence soaring.

Well-Being Tip #3: Reset Bad Health Habits

Changing jobs is a great opportunity to review any bad habits you might’ve fallen into and look to establish some healthier ones. Perhaps you struggled to find the time to head out on a daily walk in your last role, or maybe you found yourself opting for convenient lunch options over more wholesome meals.

Any opportunity you get to establish healthier habits throughout the working week will help you to feel more in control of your mental health. Take the time to review how you filled your days in your old role, and try to cut out any habits that were having a harmful effect on your wellbeing.

How can you do better with your health?

Maybe you were the king or queen of fast food or constantly skipping meals. Now’s the time to kick those habits to the curb. Plan some decent, nutritious meals, pencil in breaks for a stroll or a bit of exercise, and put self-care on your priority list. Ditching these not-so-great habits is a game-changer, setting you up for a healthier work-life vibe and an all-around better sense of well-being.

Putting your well-being at the top of the to-do list isn't just a nice idea; it's a strategy. It keeps your mind sharp and your energy levels up, ready to tackle whatever curveballs your new professional adventure throws your way.

Well-Being Tip #4: Prioritize Your Wellbeing

With so much new information to absorb as you change roles, it can be easy to let our self-care routines slip. Make a conscious effort to prioritize your well-being by following these three simple steps, and you’ll be giving yourself the best chance to succeed in this next chapter of your professional life.

Simple ways to find more chill in your day

Amidst the chaos of learning the ropes in your new role, carve out some quality “me time.” And privatizing your well-being does not have to be complicated. Start by building a daily routine that includes quick mindfulness exercises, short breaks to decompress, and enough sleep to keep you fresh. 

Putting your well-being at the top of the to-do list isn’t just a nice idea; it’s a strategy. It keeps your mind sharp and your energy levels up, ready to tackle whatever curveballs your new professional adventure throws your way.

In the next section, Denise will share her final thoughts.

A person standing on top of a hill with a quote.

Final thoughts 

Even if you’re not sticking around at your current job forever, you’ve got your mind and body for the long haul. Let’s keep them in tip-top shape! Now is the time to prioritize your well-being and eliminate that new job anxiety. If you ever need some support, feel free to reach out to Denise G. Lee.

And hey, why not explore more about taking care of yourself? Check out this episode from her podcast—it’s all about self-care! Take care of you! 

Picture of Chris Moore

Chris Moore

Chris is a business development executive who has gained more than two decades’ worth of industry experience. He’s a big advocate for implementing policies that support the mental health of his staff, and is committed to finding new ways to do just that.